Are you struggling to measure up?
Struggling to find your place as a virtuous woman of God?
What does a virtuous woman of God look like, anyway?
We don't magically wake up one day as virtuous women after accepting Christ. Even if we've been a lover of Jesus all of our lives it can still be a struggle to measure up to who God has called us to be.
You're not alone.
We all fall short every day. But perfection is not what is expected.
A heart totally surrendered to Christ and a spirit who is open to God's calling is what is expected.
When we surrender our hearts and our spirit is open we can begin to see what God has called us each to be:
Virtuous women who give off the sweet fragrance of Christ.
In Set Apart: Becoming A Virtuous Woman in a Modern World you'll find 28 days of through-provoking devotions, prayers and printables to help you find your way to the being the virtuous woman God has called you to be.
Set Apart digs deep into Proverbs 31 exploring what it truly means to be a virtuous woman for Christ. Here's a sample from verse 23.
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Set Apart is a collaborative effort of 11 very talented ladies who live for Christ:
Anjanette Barr from Raising the Barrs
Whitney Cornelison from Beauty in the Mess
Jennifer Fountain from Growing Up Triplets
Virginia George from
Crystal Hatcher from Wisdom Seeking Mommy
Sarah Nichols from Simple Abundant Life
Rachel Parrish from Day 2 Day Joys
Ashley Roe from Joyful Thrifty Home
Kendra Stamy from A Proverbs 31 Wife
Danielle Tate (that's me!)
Karli Von Herbulis from Feed Me Mama
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